Updated: 2011-08-31 23:10:36
The final trailer for the final movie. It's going to be hard to meet expectations but the trailer looks pretty awesome.
Updated: 2011-08-31 23:10:36
: Upgrade to a better browser , . please ADVANCED SEARCH Books Books by Award Book Lists Featured Novel Blackout Connie Willis Hugo 2011 Winner Hugo Award Nebula Award BSFA Award Locus SF Award Locus Fantasy Award Campbell Award BFS Award World Fantasy Award PKD Award Clarke Award 2011 Awards All Award Winners SF F Series Classics of Science Fiction Guardian : The Best SF and Fantasy Novels Baen Military SF List ISFDB Top 100 Pringle Best 100 SF Masterworks Fantasy Masterworks SF Mistressworks Award Winning Books by Women Authors Locus Best SF WWEnd Top Nominated Banned SF Fantasy Books NPR : Top 100 SF F Authors Authors Interviews Featured Author Philip K . Dick New PKD Blog Series Top Authors All Authors Author Videos Lauren Beukes Kay Kenyon Lois McMaster Bujold Peter F . Hamilton Ben
Updated: 2011-08-31 23:10:29
Three out of four IEET readers expressing an opinion on a recently completed poll said humans should not attempt to enhance or uplift other species of animals.
Updated: 2011-08-31 23:10:29
In this video from 2007, New Scientist talks to Aubrey de Grey, Nick Bostrom, and Anders Sandberg about how humans someday could become immortal.
Updated: 2011-08-31 23:10:29
About 150,000 people will die today. You might die tomorrow. Or, perhaps, you will end up living for a very long time.
Updated: 2011-08-31 23:10:29
Professor Al Bartlett has given his celebrated one hour lecture — “Arithmetic, Population and Energy: Sustainability 101” — over 1,600 times to audiences with an average attendance of 80 in the United States and worldwide. This is part 1 of 8. See the rest here.
Updated: 2011-08-30 17:01:54
For all you fans of Man Church, there’s another church joining in on the machismo craze. If you want to grunt and cheer and feel guilty about lusting after ladies or being a lazy dad, there’s a Christian “Men’s Conference” down in Texas you might be interested in! The Men’s Conference is 24 hours of [...]
Updated: 2011-08-27 00:27:30
Singularity Institute has prepared a Strategic Plan to concisely describe our near-term goals, vision, and concrete actions in pursuit of those goals and vision. We welcome commentary from our supporter community on the plan. The release of this Strategic Plan is part of an overall effort to increase transparency at the Institute. Please send any [...]
Updated: 2011-08-18 18:53:50
Depressed Metabolism The Science of Personal Survival Skip to content Home About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap Alcor member profile of Aschwin de Wolf Intermediate temperature storage in cryonics Posted on August 18, 2011 by Aschwin de Wolf The recent issue of Cryonics magazine features a comprehensive update on intermediate temperature storage ITS This article contains an important : observation Acoustic events consistent with fracturing were found to be universal during cooling through the cryogenic temperature range. They occurred whether patients were frozen or vitrified. If cryoprotection is good , they typically begin below the glass transition temperature â123°C for M22 vitrification solution  If cryoprotective perfusion does not go well , then fracturing events begin at
Updated: 2011-08-18 18:43:29
Depressed Metabolism The Science of Personal Survival Skip to content Home About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap The 2011 Cryobiology Conference Intermediate temperature storage in cryonics Alcor member profile of Aschwin de Wolf Posted on August 18, 2011 by Aschwin de Wolf The latest issue of Cryonics magazine features my member profile This profile was written by Cairn Idun , a long-time Alcor member and cryonics activist who is currently known for organizing the annual asset preservation and teens and twenties . meetings To generate this member profile , I answered a list of questions and submitted a short autobiographical piece that I wrote a little while ago . Cairn decided that in the case of some topics it would be best to retain my own language . As far as my ideas on cryonics are
Updated: 2011-08-18 16:28:27
Do you want to volunteer for Singularity Institute? Now it’s easier than ever! Our newly re-vamped volunteer website has now been made public and offers dozens of opportunities for involvement. Check out www.SingularityVolunteers.org today to see how you can help Singularity Institute work toward a positive Singularity, from anywhere in the world.
Updated: 2011-08-18 03:44:29
This year we created a new logo for general use. You may have seen it on singinst.org and lesswrong.com.
Here’s the 500 px and the 1500 px version. Use these logos to help spread the word about the Singularity Institute and our mission!
Updated: 2011-08-11 22:04:09
A new paper by Eliezer Yudkowsky is online at our publications page, “Complex Value Systems are Required to Realize Valuable Futures”. This paper was presented at the recent Fourth Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, held at Google HQ in Mountain View.
Abstract: A common reaction to first encountering the problem statement of Friendly AI [...]
Updated: 2011-08-11 17:40:09
Depressed Metabolism The Science of Personal Survival Skip to content Home About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap ApoE4 â The Ancestral Allele Alcor member profile of Aschwin de Wolf The 2011 Cryobiology Conference Posted on August 11, 2011 by Ben Best July 24-27 I attended the 2011 annual Society for Cryobiology conference in Corvallis , . Oregon A number of the first presentations were concerned with means to avoid cryopreservation . Room temperature storage is much less expensive and troublesome , and improves ease of transport , especially in remote areas . One such technology shrink wrapped” DNA in a glass and another used trehalose to protect lipid membranes in a similar manner . Applied to cells , such technologies are viewed as a form of room-temperature . vitrification Another
Updated: 2011-08-11 10:11:13
AUGUST 20-21
In just nine days, leading scientists, inventors and philosophers will gather in Melbourne to discuss the upcoming ‘intelligence explosion’ that many now refer to as ‘The Singularity’- a technological breakthrough that promises to eclipse previous computing developments with the creation of super-human machines.
If present trends are to [...]
Updated: 2011-08-08 05:09:09
We’ve put together a new website focused on the intelligence explosion concept: IntelligenceExplosion.com. The site is a ‘landing page’ that provides an easy introduction to the topic for laymen and researchers alike.
Also see Nick Bostrom’s landing pages for anthropics, the simulation argument, and existential risk.
Updated: 2011-08-05 17:10:49
Depressed Metabolism The Science of Personal Survival Skip to content Home About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap The double standard about cryonics The 2011 Cryobiology Conference ApoE4 â The Ancestral Allele Posted on August 5, 2011 by Aschwin de Wolf Reportedly , when James Watson and Steven Pinker had their genome sequenced , they declined to know their risk for Alzheimer’s disease . Clearly this is not an option for life extensionists and cryonicists , who are better off knowing whether they have a copy or , worse , two copies of the ApoE4 gene Patri Friedman , son of the libertarian economist David Friedman who in turn is the son of the Nobel laureate Milton Friedman recently learned that he has two copies of the ApoE4 gene when 23andMe updated their reports . Caucasian and